Coppertop Sermons

Luke 17

Questioning involves being able to preserve one’s orientation to openness. The art of questioning is the art of questioning even further. This is then the art of thinking.
Hans-George Gadamer

We bring our questions to the biblical text, we bring out best thinking, not simply to engage in a never-ending series of

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Luke 14-16

Luke 14:1-6: Here we again have evidence that Luke’s picture of them is not as negative as Matthew’s and Mark’s. Even though critical of some Pharisees, Jesus continues to associate with them. Here he goes to the home of a leader of the Pharisees on a Sabbath day. Yet there is some tension

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Luke 12-13

Luke 12:1-3: With chapter 12, we have a long discourse by Jesus in which he alternates between addressing the disciples and the large crowd. In each case, the words to the disciples are overheard by the crowds. As the church discussed within itself what it means to follow Jesus, it is important that

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June 2007-June 2008

This is an updated version. I found an error in the one previously provided.

All dates listed are Monday – Sunday. Sermons will be based on some part of the five chapters read prior to Sunday with seasonal exceptions.

June 4-10: Matthew 1-5
June 11-17: Matthew

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Luke 11

Luke 11:1-13: When one pays attention to it, it can be fun and interesting to see how the gospel writer composes his material, how he moves from one thing to the next. Right after the episode with Mary and Martha, which seems to have something to do with the importance for the spiritual

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