Adult Groups


Faith Forum
Join us at 9am Sundays in the Fireside Lounge.
This weekly class for adults and older teens explores Bible concepts in today’s terms.
Occasional Faith Forum After Hours events begin at 11am.

Men’s Groups

First and Ten
First and Ten meets at 7pm on Mondays to study a book. The meetings end about 8:30 with snacks and conversation.

Men’s Study Group
Men’s Study Group meets at 8am on Tuesdays to discuss a chapter at a time from a selected book. All men from any church are welcome.

Men’s Church League Bowling
It’s great exercise, and our bowling team needs you! Tuesdays from 6:45 to 9pm at Country Lanes, 2327 Mountain Shadow Drive. Contact Dave Grant through the church office.

Women’s Groups

Loud Laughing Ladies
Loud Laughing Ladies is a book group that reads a wide range of both fiction and nonfiction. All re welcome; bring your sense of humor and ideas of good books to discuss! You’ll find an interesting group of people and thought-provoking conversations.

United Methodist Women  seeks to give women an opportunity through work and study to better the lives of women and children. Four circles  meet monthly, and another monthly meeting brings all together with a special program or speaker.

Mixed Groups

Scrabble Group
Join members and friends for Scrabble and conversation. All skill levels are welcome. The group meets in the FUMC Library (and occasionally in member homes) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30am.
If you are interested or would like more information, contact Verna Porter,


Fathfully Fit
Led by Linda Wiig, this group meets Thursdays at 9am in the East Lounge. Join this informal group for gentle exercise and fellowship. Tea is always served after exercise!

Outside Resources

FUMC extends care ministries to outside groups by providing class space for activities such as yoga, tai chi, Gamblers Anonymous, and Alcoholics Anonymous.

Tai Chi helps reduce stress and improve balance and flexibility through gentle movements. 
Offered Sundays 3:30 pm, Thursdays 6pm, and Saturdays 9am.

Reiki Community Healing Circle offers free reiki sessions on the second Saturday of the month in the Chapel.

Gamblers Anonymous meets in the Study at noon Mondays and at 6pm on Tuesdays.

Alcoholics Anonymous meets in the Chapel at 9am Fridays.

All groups meet in Three Brothers Chapel
4:15pm Mondays: Spirit Yoga
7:00pm Mondays: Whole Birth Yoga
6:00pm Tuesdays: Moms’ Yoga