Coppertop Sermons

Like God

Sermon preached March 18, 2012

Texts: Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21

Retired Archbishop Robert Runcie used to tell of an incident that occurred while he was the Archbishop of Canterbury. Evidently, he once boarded a train in England and discovered that all the other passengers in the carriage were patients at a mental institution who

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Perfect Fear Casts Out Love

Sermon preached March 11, 2012

Text: John 2:13-22

We made a decision at the staff meeting on Tuesday February 28 that if the schools were closed on Wednesday February 29 due to the expected snow storm, we would keep the building closed until noon and then decide about the rest of the day. The

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Sermon preached March 4, 2012

Texts: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-17; Mark 8:31-38

Begin with “Prodigal Son” Power Point from Discovery Zone.
No, you did not miss it. We did not read this story this morning, but the story fits. It fits our Lenten theme of “journey to and journey through.” It fits today’s emphasis

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A Haunted Forest

Sermon preached February 26, 2012

Texts: Mark 1:9-15

Sometimes things come together in worship in wonderfully surprising ways – a hymn chosen weeks before says just what it needs to say, an anthem sung by the choir or by Tapestry fits perfectly the theme of the sermon. It happened last week when one of

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