United Methodist Women

UnitedMethodistWomenUMW is an organization of approximately 1 million members whose purpose is to foster spiritual growth, develop leaders, and advocate for justice. At First UMC, four active UMW circles provide small group study, fellowship and support throughout the year. In addition, UMW members lead church volunteers working together to host the annual Coppertop Craft & Bake Sale, raising funds for local, state and global missions. Each UMW circle meets monthly in the Fireside Lounge.

Contact: Marilew Barnidge

Rachel Circle
3rd Monday at 10 am
Chair: Karen Morgan

Naomi Circle
3rd Wednesday at 9:30 am
Chair: Marilyn Skansgaard

Priscilla Circle
2nd Monday at 7 pm
Chair: Joanna Regnier

A community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.