Coppertop Sermons

Luke 10

Luke 10:1-24: In Matthew and Mark, Jesus sends out the disciples to be in ministry. Luke has already had Jesus do that. Here he sends out seventy or seventy-two (ancient manuscripts have both numbers) people to cure the sick and to share with others that the kingdom of God has come near. The

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Luke 7-9

Luke 7:1-10: This story has a parallel in Matthew 8, but Luke tells the story with some interesting differences. Here the centurion, part of the Roman occupying force, sends Jewish elders to Jesus on his behalf – and the elders testify to the goodness of the centurion. Later the centurion sends others to

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Luke 4-6

Luke 4:1-13: The Holy Spirit, which had descended on Jesus at his baptism, continues to fill him and guide him. Jesus ends up in the wilderness to be tempted there. The narrative repeats that in Matthew 4, though the temptations are ordered differently. That Luke places the scene of the final temptation

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Luke 2-3

Mary, the Mother of Jesus: I would like to say a bit more here about Mary and the story of Jesus birth before commenting on the story as Luke tells it (and tells it so well). Luke has already said that Mary was “betrothed” to Joseph, betrothal being a legal promise that served

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Luke Chapter 1

1:1-4: The prologue to the Gospel of Luke, the first part of a two-part work. Luke is making use of a familiar convention in Greek and Roman writing here, presupposing that his audience might be learned and cultured. The name “Theophilus” was relatively common in the Roman world, and the way

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