Fall Roast Beef Dinner, October 11, 2018
August 26, 2018
Click for 2018 Fall Roast Beef Dinner 3 days of volunteer opportunities
Spring and fall, we all pitch in to make and serve as as many as 700 900 roast beef dinners, complete with homemade apple crisp. There’s even a drive-through! This is a fundraiser for the work of the church, and it’s also one big ol’ work party for 130 or so volunteers over three days.
Our next Roast Beef Dinner is coming up Thursday, October 11 2018, 4:30-6:30pm. Get in on the fun!
Volunteer sign up begins on Sunday, September 9, 2018 in the church narthex
Category: Coming up, How can I help?, Roast Beef Dinner, upcoming, Volunteer Ministries